The Worst Things About Parenting

I love my children so much more than anything in the world, but I’m not going to lie about how I hate parenting. I know it is part of my job to take care of my children, so I don’t have to complain. But all the exhaustion, agitation, anxiety, and depression that goes along with the process of parenthood is way too much too handle.

  • “You may have done everything right. You may have tried your best to instill the right values, morals and faith. Your kid’s challenging but that doesn’t mean failure on your part.”  Allison Ricciardi, LMHC said. No matter how tired you are, how toxic your work is, and you don’t feel well at all, you don’t instantly remove yourself from all the things you have to do. Parenting is a never-ending responsibility that won’t allow you to stop. And despite the help that technological advancement can give, your children will still require you to do something no matter what.
  • It’s not a secret that once you get to experience having kids, you become their full support. That includes eating all their leftovers. Therefore, parenting makes you involuntarily fat. Don’t get me wrong, the idea of eating the sweet stuff is not that worst. However, the aftermath is what makes it more undesirable. And exercise? You can probably forget about it. But if you happen to find time inserting it in your schedule, might as well work on it asap. “what’s more important than the quantity of time you spend with your kids is the quality of the time you do have together.” That is what Francyne Zeltser, Psy.D. used to say.


  • As a parent, we always ensure to pull out the essentials of our kids. Therefore, we have to provide for the things that they need. Though not all parents are alike, most of us still end up broke. Not that we have to complain about it because it’s part of our duty as the kids’ provider. But sometimes, it gets too unfair because there’s nothing left for us and everything becomes all about them.
  • Parenting is a non-stop job that takes away your love for sleep. Well, not literally, but it does make you consider not to think about it most of the time. It always feels like a thing that you’ll never get to use anymore. Fortunately, you can always find time to choose it over the other not-so-important stuff that you need to do. Of course, on a limited allowable time.


  • Parenthood comes with restrictions. Therefore, you are not allowed to drink and have fun with friends inside or outside the house. You are the role model for your kids. You don’t want them to see or think that you’re jugging all those beers while dancing awkwardly. Even if you are given the opportunity to do that nowadays, your alcohol tolerance already dropped a couple of levels.
  • Being a parent, you don’t instantly lose all the anxiety about the world. That’s because everything about it scares you. No, you don’t feel scared for yourself, but for your children. Everything that may seem to harm them becomes your worst nightmare. From there, the depression and anxiety never stop. In some unfortunate events, it causes sleepless nights and even panic attacks. “You’re likely feeling doubtful, overwhelmed and more than a little worried about your child’s future and your own abilities as a parent.” Carrie Sheppard, LMHC said.

There are other things that you can think about when it comes to hating parenthood. However, no one can deny that it is the most fulfilling job a person can accomplish in his entire life.