Some states in the US and other countries enforced curfew laws to specific age groups like teenagers below 18 years old. They are not allowed to stay in public places in certain hours like 10 pm to 6 am the next day, but with some exemptions in cases such as under adult or parents’ supervision. The implemented curfew law was received with different reactions and complains, mostly among youths.

Parents must ensure that children perceive curfew most constructively and positively, thus helps the governments’ campaign successful.
Knowledge And Understanding Of Curfew Laws
Parental knowledge about the law can help deliver the ordinance in an informative manner. Some parents also question the implementation of the law, and instead of encouraging and promoting their children obey the rule, they are the ones who argue and have ill-feelings towards it. Parents need to be aware of the present social deterrents in adolescents’ lives. It is not the same neighborhood that they used to live decades ago where safety is not a vital concern. Nowadays, safety and security is the highest social problem among teenagers, and this is coupled with increasing crime rates, illicit drugs, alcohol, and guns connections, plus risky sexual encounters to name a few. Teens tend to follow their interests and what they want. They are not aware of the consequences they might face for not following the law. Parents should enlighten their teens about the reasons why curfew laws are implemented and the overall aspects of it.
Discipline At The Early Age

Parents must impose correct discipline to children at a young age. By discipline, this does mean punishing them when they have committed wrong actions. The most significant action is to help them understand and realize the consequence of their acts and make amends to correct it. Children should be trained and guided to become obedient to parents and later, help them develop good behaviors to become law-abiding individuals. As children grow older armed with the right values, they will be well informed about the laws and respect rules applied to them.
Highlight Responsibility Into Their Actions
Parents should establish a foundation to build children’s sense of responsibility. Setting a curfew provides an opportunity for teens to become responsible for following the guidelines set by the authority. It will help them weigh things and develop skills such as decision making. A parent should allow teenagers’ opportunity to reflect on the choices they made and be accountable for those choices.
Reach Out To Proper Authorities If Needed
Parents can act as a partner law enforcer. You can be firm but not rigid in applying curfew. Teenagers should continuously be reminded of the law and should be monitored concerning compliance. If they cannot be subdued, let the higher authority involve in the process, but explain to the children that their acts can affect their parents as well.
Set A Good Example

Parents should set as a good role model for the children. Law-abiding parents are responsible and can be an example for the teens to follow. Parents’ actions can shape their teens’ behavior. Children observe their parents’ behavior and find fault in their actions and words to justify their wrongdoings. But by displaying moral and ethical behavior, parents can impart values and influence them to become a responsible individual in the community.
Enforcement of curfew law needs constant involvement and cooperation by both parents and the government. This is to ensure that the program is implemented continuously and protects its primary aim, which is for the safety and discipline of the children. It is an unwavering struggle for both parties as they face disobedience and rebellion. Parents cannot leave teenagers alone. Parents should be patient and keep on guiding them on the road of obedience. Inculcate in their minds the right values, moral ethics, and social responsibility. Make them understand that curfew is not a form of punishment but a measure to ensure their safety and well-being.