Discussing To Your Children About Therapy

It can be unsettling to attend counseling treatment for the first time. When parents speak to kids, some can feel more at ease, receptive, and ready for the initial session. Establishing a foundation of comfort for kids while discussing emotions is critical to normalizing the healing process. You are setting an example for others by being candid regarding certain troubling behaviors you observe and showing that they are nothing to be ashamed of.

About Therapy - Talking about child therapy
Source: pixabay.com

It can be frightening and unsettling for your children to start therapy, particularly if they are unaware they require assistance in the first instance of therapy or aren’t used to discussing their feelings.

Child Care -Talk To Your Child About Therapy

To prepare children and teens for therapy, getting them used to discussing their emotions is crucial, especially in front of the whole family. The younger child must understand and perceive therapy, especially for little patients, is about teaching them fresh abilities that will benefit them for the rest of their lives and does not imply that they are flawed. It implies that discussing a child’s feelings and psychological issues will become more commonplace.

When a child starts therapy at their discretion, it can be best to let a child who struggles with anxiety know a few days ahead of the therapy consultation so that they won’t be overly anxious about anything. It can be best for many parents to avoid discussing therapy with their children right before bed or right after a fight.

Talk About It To Children

A child’s age differences in the therapy technique will also be considered. A few gentle reminders regarding the visit and straightforward sentences benefit young children. Instead of portraying therapy as a means to “fix them,” it is important to emphasize how therapy treatment can benefit the children. Open and honest interpersonal interaction, autonomy, respect, and anonymity assurances during therapy sessions are also beneficial when working with older teens. These few sessions can bring about therapy to a whole new level.

It is critical to prepare your child for therapy by using terminology that is appropriate for their development and makes a connection to something they already know. Parents might comfort their children that finding the proper therapy fit may take some time, especially if the child has had a bad experience with therapy.

Not all children with exceptional difficulties need therapy. A trustworthy adult other than their parents can be a valuable therapy resource for youngsters as they manage their difficulties growing up and explore who they are. Having a therapy counselor by their side can be an extremely helpful experience that will give children a distinct advantage when navigating the amazing maze of childhood. There’s something about it that you should know about.

Kids who receive therapy learn how to cope with frustration, rejection, disappointments, so much pain, and distress and be empathetic toward others and themselves. It gives children a secure therapy environment to consider their morals, resist peer pressure, and make decisions that align with their values. Counseling helps children thrive throughout childhood and adulthood by teaching them important life and interpersonal skills.

To ensure that everybody agrees, as parents, you should talk about therapy with your children’s therapists and other professionals. The main emphasis is how medicine might help people develop developmentally appropriate coping skills and mechanisms and lessen their symptoms. It’s about the kids’ health that’s important.

Child Therapy - Talking about child therapy
Source: pixabay.com

About Therapy

About Time To Sit Down And Create Space For  Conversation

This indicates that there are better choices than the three-minute buffer that separates soccer practice from snacks. Plan an appointment when you will have a minimum of half an hour to address any queries or worries that may arise. It will take five minutes for some kids and much more for others. Check that you have yet to get any major events that require attendance the following day, and allow the child some downtime. When parents speak with their child, keep the area free of distractions like the TV and other siblings entering.

Shorter timelines work best for really nervous children, and longer ones work best for kids requiring more time to process information. It’s all about the right treatment.

Explain It In Age-Appropriate Language

Every child knows who the medical professional is. Children understand what it’s like to be distressed, so explain that a psychotherapist is similar to a “feelings doctor.” Inform children that talking about their dark, angry, or unpleasant moments will be supported by seeing a therapist. Please give them a concrete instance of a recent difficult event and assure them that a professional counselor can assist them. Additionally, you can let them know they will have conversations using developmentally appropriate language with a child’s therapist about their interests, strengths, and moments of foolish joy. Knowing how therapy can address issues and concentrate on their positive experiences benefits children.

Start by inquiring about the expectations of older kids who may have some idea of what therapy entails. This will help your child from stigmatizing ideas Many children—and even adults—mistakenly believe that a psychotherapist’s role is to provide advice. Tell your older children that the purpose of a mental health professional is to learn about you and assist you in identifying your goals and a course of action. As children get older, learning the importance of seeking advice from an expert can be extremely beneficial as it will broaden their horizons and enable them to make better decisions.

Present The Treatment As A New Adventure

When children are engaged and excited about an activity, it is more likely to succeed. Please remind your children of your excitement for their upcoming journey and their good fortune in spending time and playing with someone special at least once a week. Discuss with their counselor if it is appropriate to accompany them to the initial appointment in the therapy facility or if it would be best to let them meet the therapist independently.

Children enjoy keeping secrets, so let them know you are interested in learning all they would like to share about their psychotherapy experience, but it’s acceptable if they choose to withhold some information. The therapist you choose will either discuss any significant or problematic issues with you directly or assist your kid in talking to you about them. Your youngster will be excited to see the therapist if you frame therapy as a special chance for learning and enjoyment. Following the first session, kids should be clamoring to visit their new companion if they have chosen the correct match.

Kids could be hesitant about psychotherapy if that’s your idea. Share with them your hopes for receiving therapy or counseling. Urge them to be honest with the professional about their concerns and to offer it a chance. A skilled therapy professional will attend to their worries and endeavor to establish a rapport. Developing a rapport is a crucial step in the therapy or counseling process and may require some time for teenagers. After a therapeutic relationship is formed, teenagers will start to make good adjustments, investigate options, overcome obstacles, and discover more positive and developmentally appropriate ways to interact with those in their lives.

Explain What A Counselor Is

The fact that a therapy licensed professional can assist both you and your child in addressing difficult emotions is something that kids should understand. They need to understand that receiving therapy is normal and not a cause for shame. Let’s face it. At some point in our lives, we could all use some therapy. Maintaining simplicity is beneficial when discussing child therapy. Overly detailing the circumstances can occasionally make people feel more anxious. One possibility is to think along these lines: You can talk or chat about anything that interests you when you meet your therapy experts. She will respect your privacy and support you with your intense emotions.

Furthermore, you can help your youngster get ready for the therapy session. If you want to meet in person, provide an overview of the therapist’s office location and appearance. A playroom full of toys is usually a source of excitement for small children during therapy. Let your child know, for example, that you’ll be staying in the adjacent waiting area during their therapy session. Tell your child how the virtual meeting will operate if that’s the case. While most children are somewhat familiar with Zoom, they might still have concerns about the level of privacy available to them or the identity of the other participants in the therapy conversation.

Talking about therapy to your children
Source: pixabay.com


How Do I Choose The Right Professional?

Traditional word-of-mouth marketing works well for therapy beginnings. You are likely familiar with other parents who have taken their child to counseling or therapy. Their favorable therapist experience serves as a powerful recommendation. School guidance therapy counselors can suggest a range of therapies. After discussing your goals for therapy, you should obtain a small list of potential prospects. You may learn a lot about therapy counselors’ personalities and work styles by reading their web pages, which makes the Internet a useful tool.

Talk About It To Your Child

You can begin by searching for “child therapist or counselor” along with your location on Google, which will provide many therapy results. Go through the listings until you discover a therapy expert counselor who appeals to you. Use an online therapist directory to filter your results by ZIP code and learn about local counselors’ biographies. To reduce your options based on insurance policies, ask your insurance company for a list of therapy physicians in your network.

Final Thoughts

Your child must know the therapy treatment and why they are going ahead of time. Naturally, a medical professional can also assist with this. Child therapy experts are educated to describe their work to kids in a way compatible with their developmental stage. Notifying others that your child attends treatment therapy to normalize talking about their problems and normalize therapy. The child must understand that this isn’t their fault and that an uncontrollable mental process is at play.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the techniques of child-centered therapy?
How do you explain play therapy to a child?
Can person-centered therapy be used with children?
What are the techniques of child-parent relationship therapy?
How do I talk to my parents about going to therapy?
Why is talk therapy so effective?
Why is it important to encourage children to talk?
Does talking about childhood trauma help?
How can children learn to communicate effectively in every activity?
How can we improve the quality of conversations with children?
How do I get my child to talk about the child’s ideas?
How can you help a child with communication difficulties?
How do children communicate in different ways?
How a child expresses feelings through behavior?
How do children manage their feelings?

Understanding What Are The Different Useful Parenting Styles

All parents struggle with making parenting decisions regarding how they’ll raise their children. Selecting an approach to parenting can cause a lot of anxiety since, as parents, we all wish to do what’s most beneficial to our children, whether we’re parenting children alone or with a partner. Although each individual has a different parenting style, experts have distinguished several major groups over time.

Learn and understand the parenting styles that is best for you and your kids. Work on the things you have to when raising your kids.
Source: pixabay.com

Parenting Style

Parenting styles vary in their impact on children’s behavior. They can be distinguished by specific traits as well as levels of adaptability and demanding behavior, which refer to the level of warmth and sensitivity to the kid’s requirements and the degree of influence and control that parents exert over them in an effort to shape children’s behavior.

While some people may view establishing a parenting style as similar to joining an organization, that isn’t actually the reality. It’s okay to pick just one and follow its precepts without questioning the others. None of the families can adopt the “right” types of parenting styles or approaches, and it’s highly unlikely that every household always uses a single approach or four parenting styles all together. Identifying and understanding what works for your family’s routine, priorities, and principles comes down to the process.

Your Parenting Styles

Parents often find it difficult to figure out how to raise successful, comprehensive, and intellectually reliable children because kids aren’t provided with manuals. While certain parents and parental figures are forgiving, others are harsh and demanding. While some are aloof, others remain watchful. If someone were to ask, “What kind of parent do I like to be?” has ever occurred to you, it’s beneficial to comprehend the fundamentals of several parenting philosophies and styles.

Gentle Parenting Style

This kind of parenting calls for a great deal of sensitivity. A research-backed approach for developing contented, self-assured kids is gentle parenting. This approach to parenting consists of four basic components. These are boundaries, respect, compassion, and understanding. Its goal is to help your children develop the traits you desire in them by setting and upholding firm boundaries during their early childhood experiences. Setting firm limits and emphasizing what you expect of your kids is essential in this process. Focus on the behavior you want to encourage when making your request, as things might indicate that something is to be handled with care.

Physical and mental safety is prioritized by parents who employ gentle adjustments. Children are trained to assess risks and determine if the decisions they make are safe. Parents raise their children by warning their children about the possible repercussions of a bad decision before it is made. Children are additionally introduced to the deeper meanings behind the rules. Because gentle parenting emphasizes good discipline and positive outcomes, research backs up its fundamental principles. However, these tactics don’t work well for parents and kids in some circumstances. But note that not every kid or circumstance will benefit from gentle parenting alone.

Permissive Parenting Style

The hallmarks of a permissive parenting style include high responsiveness and minimal expectations. Though they don’t set many restrictions or regulations, permissive parents are typically quite caring. No, they are not uninvolved parents; rather, these parents frequently give the impression of being friends rather than parents, and they do not hold high expectations for their kids’ behavior. At first glance, laissez-faire parenting could seem like the most convenient way to achieve harmony because of its lack of boundaries. Nevertheless, it frequently costs other individuals when parents are incapable of or unwilling to set strong, loving boundaries, and the child may suffer.

According to research, children who experience permissive parenting may suffer from anxiety, sadness, social isolation, and inferior academic achievement. Nonetheless, more creativity and self-worth are possible advantages of permissive parenting. This style of parenthood involves loving yet indifferent parents. Neglectful parents often fail to establish clear boundaries, keep a careful eye on their kids’ activities, or demand that their kids behave in an acceptable way for their age. Permissive parents often let their kids do anything they want so their kids don’t grow up with grit and tenacity since they’re not exposed to regulations and discipline. The absence of discipline and self-control is one of the repercussions.

Source: pixabay.com


Most Common Authoritarian Parenting Style

According to research from Asian adolescent school performance experts, parenting in an authoritarian manner emphasizes discipline, obedience, and tight rules. Parents like these adhere to strict standards and don’t think twice about punishing their kids for disobeying them. This approach is also known as tiger parenting. Additionally, authoritarian parents make all the decisions and hardly ever let their kids have a say. Like a drill instructor in the army, these parents are communicative, forgiving, and caring. It’s a rigorous parenting approach with high standards for kids. Authoritative parents tend to impose strict rules and guidelines on their kids without providing any justification, and they require them to follow them religiously or risk harsh consequences. Children reared by parents who use a strict parenting approach run the risk of developing low self-esteem, rebelling, struggling with analytical thinking, and withdrawing emotionally.

Expectations and limitations are good and healthy but must be tempered with the children’s love, warmth, and respect. The unfavorable consequences of this parenting style include children becoming more aggressive, shy, socially awkward, and incapable of making their own judgments. However, Authoritarian parenting has benefits in making kids more warm-hearted, compassionate, and empathic. They gain self-control, grow more accountable, and develop their ability to make wise judgments on their own. Pressure from their peers may be less effective on them. They typically connect to teachers or instructors at school and experience fewer interpersonal issues with classmates. These children usually gain academic success.

Attachment Parenting Style

Unlike the bulldozer parents or bulldozer parenting style, the concept of attachment parenting (AP) suggests techniques to foster a connection between a parent and child by constant physical contact and proximity as well as by the maximum amount of parental compassion and attentiveness. The notion of attachment specifically emphasizes the significance of the children’s emotional connection to their parents. The children’s emotional and psychological development may be impacted far into adulthood if this link is disrupted or lost. In certain cases, attachment parenting asserts that overly reliant youngsters and overworked parents can result from providing continuous focus to the kids’ every emotion and tantrum. Even worse, children pick up the ability to dominate and mistreat their well-meaning parents.

Parents who practice attachment parenting think that parenthood should be caring and interactive. They believe that prioritizing kids’ needs results in emotional stability and independence. By attachment, children are given the ‘ secure base’ they require to discover, acquire knowledge, and connect and the opportunity, incentive, and well-being to do so. It is crucial for adaptability, flexibility, safety, and stress management. This procedure is thought to give your kids the love and care they need, which is essential for the proper development of their brains, sense of self-worth, ability to thrive, and even potential to build connections later in life.

Helicopter Parenting Style

One common term for helicopter parenting is the “over” portion of over-parenting. It entails parents having undue influence and engagement in their kids’ lives. This parenting approach is motivated, in part, by the parents’ fear that their child may suffer injury or not thrive. Children who feel that they are incapable of performing anything properly are those who have a parent continuously hovering over them. If helicopter parenting and controlling persist into adolescence and the early stages of adulthood, this could result in problems with a child’s self esteem as he grows older. Studies reveal that children’s behavior and emotional health can be greatly impacted by helicopter parenting, which some may view as harmful.

Overly fixated parents on their children’s accomplishments and shortcomings are known as helicopter parents. Helicopter parents frequently take care of their children in every way, even for tasks they should be handling on their own as they age, such as preparing their lunch or cleaning their room. In a child’s life, they frequently need to fail and make mistakes to acquire knowledge via trial and error to grow. Sadly, evidence indicates that helicopter parenting can impede children’s emotional and cognitive growth and restrict their ability to take advantage of this chance.

Source: pixabay.com


Free-Range Parenthood

Free-range parents frequently provide important life skills to their kids while granting them independence commensurate with their stage of child development. They force children to deal with their own difficulties and arrive at their own decisions by exposing them to the outside world without constant supervision. Certain techniques include allowing kids to spend unstructured time. This is where many kids spend their free time engaging in various hobbies. Additionally, a lot of parents who give their kids plenty of freedom will advise them to play outside in the great outdoors instead of spending their free time on devices.

Free-range parenting does, however, provide a lot of benefits. Children acquire higher self-esteem or confidence and self-sufficiency. It makes kids want to play outdoors more. Kids raised with confident social skills often get better. The idea of free-range parenting is to raise kids to empower them to operate autonomously with minimal parental supervision, in line with their developmental stage and a responsible acceptance of reasonable personal risks. It is thought of as the antithesis of helicopter parenting.

Parenting Styles

Final Thoughts And Takeaway

According to a developmental psychologist, there is still much debate in psychology on how parenting practices affect children’s development and how those impacts translate into adulthood. While the effects are difficult to assess, a few commonly accepted outcomes are associated with each parental approach, especially with food related parenting practices or with children’s healthy eating patterns or extreme child diet. Examine the parenting philosophies in greater detail here and discuss their possible effects on children raised in such households.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What Is The Most Effective Parenting Style?

How Does An Uninvolved Parent Affect The Child?

How Do You Handle Different Parenting Styles?

Can You Change Your Parenting Style?

Which Is The Most Commonly Used Parenting Style?

Does Parenting Style Matter?

Why Is Parenting Style Important?

Why Authoritative Parenting Style Is The Best?

How Do You Practice Authoritative Parenting?

What Are Some Effective Parenting Skills?

Is an Authoritative Parent The Same As a Gentle Parent?

Is Authoritative Parenting The Best Parenting Style?

How do parenting styles affect Behaviour?
Do parenting styles affect child outcomes?
Does parenting style affect a child’s basic personality?

My Child Needs Pediatric Counseling (I Spanked Him So Hard That He Wouldn’t Talk To Me)

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I admit I make parenting mistakes and I am not a perfect parent. But as far as I am concerned, I am trying to give my child everything I can. I always make sure that he follows my orders and use them for his benefit. I am sure I am making the right decisions for him because I know better. But, do I?

According to Ruby Natale PhD, PsyD “Many people use the same tactics their own parents used, and a lot of times that meant using really harsh discipline.” We always think that being a parent we have the right to control our kids. We make decisions for them because we assume they won’t do well. We try so hard to keep them away from danger, and when they disobey, we lose ourselves and unintentionally hurt them. But that’s the problem. Spanking our kids lead to complication and sometimes, it causes mental conditions.

Source: pixabay.com

My Worse Parenting Mistake

I usually use spanking as a means of disciplinary action for my child’s incoherent behavior. But recently, I noticed that instead of encouraging him to behave, he tends to have mood swings. He became distant and detached. At first, I thought that was okay because at least he learned his lesson. However, the constant spanking made him aggressive, agitated, disrespectful, and ill-mannered. So I wondered why my disciplinary action seemed not working anymore.

Amy Morin, LCSW is right when she said; “It’s important to ensure your parenting style is supporting healthy growth and development because the way you interact with your child and how you discipline her will influence her for the rest of her life.” So I attempted to talk to my child in the most comfortable way I can, but it didn’t work. I somehow felt that I already inflicted something in his emotional and psychological state that he thought about me as someone who will make his life miserable. He became depressed, anxious, stressed out, secluded, and lonely. Every time I approached him, he would tend to back off and shrug me off.

Since I used to spank my kid every time he committed a mistake, I continually did what I thought I had to. Though I seemed to notice those different behaviors, I ignored them. I wasn’t thinking of any pediatric counseling whatsoever, not until he recently stopped talking to me. He ignored my presence as if I didn’t exist. He stopped communicating with me and pretended that I wasn’t around. At his young age, I got scared. So I questioned myself, “what have I done”?

Source: maxpixel.net

The Realization

Since I knew I made a mistake, I am now ashamed of the outcome. I don’t want to talk about my son or my situation in front of other people. And as much as possible, I don’t want anybody to know about it. I don’t want people to know that my parenting style created so much psychological pain to my child. So I tried searching the internet for possible solutions in my problem with my child, and I bumped into BetterHelp, a website that caters to online counseling. After reading a lot about the dangers of spanking and how it can cause a traumatic experience, I decided to schedule my son for pediatric counseling. Finally!

I understand Allison Ricciardi, LMHC on her statement that “You may have done everything right. You may have tried your best to instill the right values, morals and faith. Your kid’s challenging but that doesn’t mean failure on your part.” But as the process of consultation continues to show development, I became more ashamed of myself. I thought that physical damage had nothing to do with mental conditioning, but I was wrong. I inflicted my child’s emotional and psychological health, and now I am paying for what I did.

Therapist’s Guide In Handling A Problematic Child (Parental Stress Management)

It is not easy to be a parent. There are lots of things that you probably know about it but do not entirely understand. Of course, you might not agree with me when I say it can be regretful at times because you would think that I am a bad parent for feeling that way. But admit it. Almost all parents worldwide suffer from stress and anxiety that they somehow wish their lives would have been different without having a child. Thus, ikt is important to learn the proper way of talking to your child about therapy.

But then again, I don’t speak for everybody, and my parenting struggles differ from the rest of the parents. But one thing we all might have in common is the stress of handling a very problematic kid. Before reacting, let me remind you that every child is different. They struggle with emotional and mental health on their own, and not because we are their parents, it does not mean that we know everything about their needs. So going back, before trying to come up with the list of “dos and don’ts,” we first have to identify what a problematic child is.

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A problematic child is a child that is very complicated to handle. He possesses negative behaviors that are often causing harm to himself and others. Typically, a problematic child gets exposed to all sorts of negativity, including criminal acts, substance abuse, anxiety, rage, excessive, disruptive talking, and carelessness. Sometimes, he gets disinterested or withdrawn from daily life due to uncertain emotional flatness. Fortunately, there are ways to handle a problematic child; the list is provided below.

Do What Feels Right – As a parent, you have that sense of entitlement towards disciplining your kid. That is normal, and you should practice imposing it as much as possible. Yes, there can be times that your actions and decisions might not go along with other people’s points of view, but who cares? As long as you know you’re doing the things you do for the benefit of your child, these people should pack up and leave your parenting style alone. If, as a parent, you feel that your child needs punishment for his bad behavior, feel free to punish him. Just remember to do what you feel is morally right.

Source: pixabay.com

Be Consistent With Rules – Parenting can be a tough job since there are times that you become inconsistent about it. You break your rules, which is not helpful if you constantly alter them in favor of your problematic child. Yes, you might have to adjust for particular reasons. But you need to be careful in the process because your problematic child might use that as an opportunity for ambush. Therefore, it would be best first to develop a rule that you can follow and hold onto.

Try Not To Overreact – Of course, your child would cause a lot of trouble, especially if he’s used to doing it. But before coming up with immediate punishment, try to understand first his behavior and do not overact. Because sometimes, a kid’s behavioral problem does not always come from his eagerness to annoy or upset people. His refusal to follow the rules or question authority is very common too. It might be due to his mental and emotional issues that you might not know. Handling a problematic child in the calmest and most approachable way is vital. Because if not, you might trigger other unwanted behaviors associated with the present ones that are obvious.

Source: pixabay.com

Talk To Your Child – You need to talk to your child about what you noticed about him and ensure you understandably deliver the words more calmly. Please spare some time and have a meaningful conversation with your kid because that is the only way to relay your message without complicating the situation and confusing his mind. But be mindful that not because you talked to him, it does not mean he should automatically change. The process still takes time before your kid can finally internalize the list of disadvantages of the problematic behaviors. Thus, you must always guide him and make sure that he progresses positively.

Be Positive About The Good Things – As a parent, you can’t always know what to do, and you don’t always understand the situations. Regardless of the idea that you know your child very well, you might end up stitching mental and emotional solutions altogether for the sake of everyone. But don’t lose hope and be positive about the good things. Your child might be problematic today, but when you shower him with respect, understanding, good moral values, and love, he will eventually make it out better in the world. Always focus on your goal of helping him develop himself.


Parenting Anxiety During The Delta Variant Spread – Therapy Discussion

It was almost two years ago since I last felt this way. Though I must admit, I regularly get anxious as a parent. But this time, my anxiety is different. It creeps inside of me that it sometimes hinders me from functioning. The effect of this mental health condition might not be the same for others, but I guarantee that it is entirely exhausting and debilitating at this moment.

Frankly, there’s no way I could calm myself now due to this spread of the Delta variant. It was all over the news, and I felt frustrated and scared. I am frustrated because I wouldn’t say I like this whole pandemic thing because of its impact. I lost my job because of it. I also struggled financially, emotionally, and mentally. On the other hand, I am scared because there is still a virus that keeps multiplying until now. And the worse case of it is that this particular disease targets children.

Source: pixabay.com

I am now anxious and stressed as a parent because I worry too much about my kids. I keep having these negative thoughts that they would get infected, isolated, and die from the virus one day. As a parent, I get so paranoid about little things such as what things my kids use and often touch, whom they are playing with, and what they are always up to. It is always about the worry and fear of not preventing the situation once it is there.

A parent’s anxiety is strong because everything about this new variant is dangerous in all aspects. Watching the news and knowing that most hospitals are now in such full capacity is problematic enough. But knowing that these patients are mostly kids is entirely an intense level of fear that a parent could have.

I appreciate the world governments’ effort to keep their constituents safe and secure. I am highly thankful for their effort in fighting the disease and trying their best to process the best and fastest solutions for this pandemic. But despite all the positivity, a parent will always be a parent. And our anxiety, stress, and emotional dysfunction towards the uncertainty of the pandemic are at their peak because of our constant thoughts about our kids’ safety.

Source: pixabay.com

How Deadly Is The Delta Variant?

The number of cases with the Delta variant is shocking. It can carry thousands of viral loads compared to the previous type of COVID-19. Studies have found that the Delta variant replicates more than usual, affecting the body’s immune system faster. But it is not only that. The newest variant spreads more rapidly than transmission, even if the person is fully vaccinated. And when people think about it, that medical finding is already scary. Therefore, people should not roam around the streets thinking they are safe with vaccines because they might still get infected or infect others.

The Delta variant brings multiple mutations. And as I have heard from the news, hospitals are now taking double measures to secure their patients. But as a parent, I am more worried for the sake of the people outside the hospitals. Because until now, there are still millions of people worldwide that are not fully vaccinated and are not accepting vaccines as an option. Yes, despite getting the shot, it does not mean people are safe from getting infected. But at least, vaccines are still practical barriers. Fortunately, there’s not enough evidence on whether the Delta variant makes people sicker. But still, that is not good news. Experts still warn the people to take care of themselves as they have found a twofold risk of hospitalization during the spread of Delta compared to the Alpha variant.

Source: pixabay.com

Parenting During Delta Spread

This particular incident regarding the first spread of COVID-19 was considerably the worse for everyone. It has already created a tool for people’s physical, mental, and emotional aspects. And with this new variant, the negative impact is so strong that parents’ parenting styles are hitting rock bottom. That is because parents in this situation are becoming more and more submissive to stress, anxiety and fatigue daily. And that is not healthy for the children either.

Parents parenting styles are changing and becoming more and more unreasonable. You can’t parents them because they have to try their best to keep their kids safe. And even if they have to choose mental and emotional pressure over physical health, parents would rather pay close attention to keeping their kids physically okay as much as they have to.

Children all over the world have already suffered due to this disease. Unfortunately, until now, we still do not know how this would impact them mentally and emotionally. I wish that this pandemic thing would be over soon.


A Counselor’s View On Parenting And Praise


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Raising your kids may seem like an easy and evident part of parenting. They love it when you tell them how great they are and how happy we are of their talents and abilities. However, when we talk about praise, it’s actually more than just boosting self-confidence. Child counselors agree that parents’ most critical responsibilities are to hone their children’s personalities and behavior. Children take praise as a prize in itself, and it is a means to enable them to learn which types of behaviors are appropriate. As a matter of fact, counselors have a common parenting instruction about praise – catch them being good!

Another suggestion is for parents to say at least ten positive statements to their kids for each negative response. It’s not that difficult, and it does not need to be complicated. Simply comment on an attitude that you like when you notice your child showing it. For instance, when you observe your two-year-old enjoying himself with his puzzles, you can say, “You’re doing so well, baby.”

Below are some effective ways of praising that will significantly help children become assertive, dependable, and confident.

How To Praise

  • Praise Each Child’s Specific Strengths. Your child would sometimes compare himself to other kids – to his siblings, friends, and schoolmates. He would think he fall short in, say, creating beautiful drawings or shooting a basketball. Try to make a little more effort in encouraging him. Tell him that the other kids just learned earlier and then shift the focus. “Jake is a good shooter, but I’ve noticed that you run and carry the ball really well.” This method enables kids to realize that they have strengths and that each of them is unique.
  • Look Them Straight In The Eyes. How you praise, your child is as crucial or even more crucial than the words you speak. Use a kind and sincere tone and always look at them when you’re talking to them. Whenever possible, level with them. Communicating this way boosts your child’s self-esteem.

Source: northernvirginiamag.com

  • Be Careful With Your Words. In complimenting, it is vital to utilize words that are suitable for your child’s developmental phase. In praising a baby, you can call her name softly, and she would smile at you. As she grows up, use words that replicate their experiences and evoke compassion and understanding. For instance, if your 2-year-old is motivated to dress up by herself but has trouble doing it, you could say, “I know you want so much to be a big girl and get in that pretty dress. Can I help you with that? You can wear your shoes by yourself instead.”

Praise And Determination

  • Don’t Exaggerate. If you overexert your compliments, you might lose your accountability. You can only say ‘great job’ or ‘I love this drawing’ too much before these words have so little purpose and meaning. If possible, be concise. Be more expressive. Say, “I love how you designed your flower pot, baby,” or, “You chose beautiful colors for your drawing, my love!”

Descriptive praises like the statements above will enable your child to know why he was complimented. And be sure that the behavior deserves a compliment. Kids can essentially distinguish hollow compliments from fake ones. More importantly, you do not necessarily have to praise them for every positive thing.

  • Focus On the Little Things. Kids are nurtured by attention. It makes them feel taken care of. When Kathy, mom of three from California, observes that her daughter, Callie, has gotten herself prepared for bed without being told to, she compliments her by buying her the books she always wanted. “But then I also realized that the task is something that she also needs to learn on her own,” says Kathy. “It gives me happiness and less stress, though, when I don’t have to force her to brush her teeth and change her clothes, so I felt that I should reward her with some of her favorites.”

You can also increase your child’s self-confidence by merely making a positive comment on what she’s doing, and she will still view this as a form of compliment. For example, “Thanks so much, Callie, for changing your clothes without waiting for me to tell you.”

Source: rawpixel.com

  • Keep Your Child’s Head Held High. Determination is key, according to most child counselors. When your child tries something new, reassurance from you is tremendously important and wonderful.

For example, when your 5-year-old gets disappointed and discouraged while learning to tie her own hair, you can watch in the corner and compliment her for what she’s doing. You can say, “Great, that’s how you fix your hair with ribbons. I like it when I see you trying; even you seem to have trouble tightening them. But don’t worry. You’ll master that in time and soon you can do other complicated styles.” This sort of reassurance cultivates optimism. And we know very well that optimism, along with self-confidence, always go together.



How To Effectively Deal With Children’s Behaviors

Parents often ignore why children act negatively. How do we deal with them?

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Children’s Untoward Behavior

When the behavior of children manifests, such as emotional flare-ups, it could indicate they have not yet learned the necessary abilities to deal with emotional symptoms and signs like anger, disappointment, and anxiety.

It is not always about attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or oppositional defiant disorder, or even autism spectrum disorders. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a persistent mental health condition characterized by persistent difficulty in maintaining attention and concentration. A child’s age could also be a factor. But worry not, adolescent psychiatry can help you!

Managing deep emotions positively and maturely needs a range of abilities, including problem-solving, regulation of one’s emotions, impulse control, negotiating, delayed gratification, awareness of one’s environment, and conveying their needs and desires to parents and other adults.

Other kids with aggressive behavior, though, could be struggling more with restrictions and obeying rules. They could be rebellious or neglect instructions and attempt to convince the adults to get what they want. You may also see your children’s patterns in behavior that seem to emerge at specific times during the day (like in the afternoon) while doing specific tasks (like a project). You might also notice that your children’s problems with misbehavior may include getting moody when they’re at home but not when they’re in school or the other way around. Check the child’s behavior at home and school each time, you might notice behavior problems or any disruptive behavior present.

Tantrums and other examples of acting out are frequently typical and even positive aspects of childhood and are considered one of the common problems in behavior. These are factors your kids are getting freer and more independent. They could also indicate your defiant child may have been hurt or experienced abuse in the past.

However, when your children tend to act out, it can strain your relationship with them, provoking constant bitterness, difficulties, and disappointment that is unhealthy for the entire family members, siblings, and the child’s behavior. There are many things that may have caused their outbursts or sudden bullying of other kids. During times like this, understanding, attention, and support from the family is much recommended.

Outbursts – Learned Children’s Behaviors?

Some parents think that their kid’s behavioral tantrums and other diagnoses of mental health problems are devious and deliberate. Understanding children’s behavior is crucial for effective parenting. But experts who focus on children’s behavioral issues agree that these childish behaviors are not commonly voluntary but might be what we call learned children’s good behavior. This implies that kids discover that acting out will get them what they want.

In other words, older kids who have trouble controlling their feelings may not be deliberately acting out. They may have a stunted emotional development that professionals need to treat. Still, he could think about doing so because he has not yet learned a more practical and healthy way of conveying his needs and solving his behavior problems effectively. Kind parents often react to temper tantrums by struggling to fix the cause of the problem, and they do this by consoling their kids or simply giving them whatever he is asking for. Sadly, this aggravates the children’s rebellious behavior, encouraging their children to continue acting out. Consequently, they do not develop better medication interventions and treatment options to help them deal with their challenging feelings.

How To Respond To Outbursts and Tantrums

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When children present with an outburst, parents sometimes feel incapable. As a parent, you might have attempted to use various discipline styles for your children’s behavioral issues, but they were ineffective. Trying out numerous techniques for dealing with problem behavior can often worsen the problem, as kids react better to strict boundaries and self-regulation that are persistently applied.

If you have not seen an improvement in your children’s behavioral problems, do not be frustrated, as parents are stronger than they think when children are rebellious. Using techniques and mechanisms based on counselors’ and psychologists’ recommendations is helpful.  Talking to your child about therapy can start helping and improving your children’s behavioral issues, problems, power struggles, and, ultimately, your relationship with your children.

You can respond to your child’s behavior at the moment by:

  • Keeping Calm. Insensitive responses are inclined to intensify your children’s behavioral aggression, whether physical or verbal.
  • Not Giving Up. Fight the temptation of ending your children’s negative behavior by giving them what they want when they behave negatively. Surrendering to your children and their behavior will make them realize their child’s problem behavior is effective.
  • Wait For It To Pacify. Do not try to talk to your children when he is still angry. You want to encourage him to learn how to negotiate when he’s not furious and exploding.
  • Use Penalties Consistently. Your beloved children must learn more about the penalties or consequences for bad behavior, like facing the wall, and rewards for good behavior, like more time with gadgets.

Focusing On A Specific Method

It is beneficial to recognize certain children’s undesirable behavior you want to modify or encourage if you are attempting to deal with unpleasant children’s behavioral problems such as shouting before going to bed. It is a fact that when a family feels overwhelmed, often, it feels like interactions become a kid’s struggle. However, targeting the behavior of children is a key risk and a critical first step to efficient discipline.

Possible Triggers To Avoid Untoward Behavior

These behaviors often result in disobedience:

  • Inquiring quick questions or providing a sequence of instructions: This avoids the possibility that children will listen, recall tasks, answer questions, and do what they are told.
  • Yelling at your children to tell them what to do: Give instructions face-to-face. When you call them out from a distance, they will probably not understand and remember the task you want them to do.
  • Making a transition without a heads-up: Transitions may be tough for children, especially if they are doing something that they are enjoying. So it’s important to teach them consistently.

Source: freepik.com

These Behaviors Encourage Obedience And Compliance:

  • Giving a heads-up when transitioning: As much as possible, prepare your child’s unwanted behavior for a forthcoming transition. For instance, give your children ten minutes to be at the table for dinner or at their desks for homework.
  • Being clear with your expectations: Be concise about what you expect when your child misbehaves. You might think that your children should know your expectations, but clarifying what you want will help neutralize or reduce mix-ups and confusion in the long term.
  • Giving your child a choice: As your children grow up, they must have an opinion about your child’s behavior disorders and daily routine and schedule. You can ask him if he would prefer to eat dinner before taking a shower or vice versa. Giving them a voice is one of the effective ways that can tremendously help empower your children and encourage them to become more confident and free. Pre-determined choices would only provoke them.

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions About The Different Types Of Psychology

Raising a child is probably one of the biggest challenges people, especially parents, face in their life. Becoming a parent means more than providing necessities such as food, clothing, and shelter.

Parenting comes with a lot of significant responsibilities and decision-making. It also means having the capacity to provide unlimited and unconditional love and support to your children. Due to how hard and tiring the role of parenting is, it is important to keep track on one’s mental well-being, especially anxiety and fatigue.

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The first touchpoint of newborns in their life is their parents. Parents play a huge role in the growth and development of a child. Every little thing a child notices or sees in the familial environment they are growing up in influences them as they age.

Some mommy or daddy issues may be something minor, such as mannerisms, or something more significant, such as speaking or eating habits. Children are great at picking up social cues and behavior at home.

There is a famous saying that education is one of the most important gifts parents can bestow to their kids. So when it comes to their children’s education, parents are also almost always involved.

Parents look for the best school, academy, or program to enroll their children. Often, it is the same school or place where their parents graduated.

Entering a college or university is probably one of the proudest moments for parents as their children complete school each year. Choosing a career path is one of the most vital decisions a child has to make.

We often hear cases wherein parents decide for their kids, but times have evolved and changed since then. Most parents now give their children the freedom and support to choose on their own.

There are many fields to choose a potential career from in college, whether in the healthcare industry, the business industry, etc. Recently, the medical field is met with increasing demand. Many children major in Psychology and further pursue medicine, law, or even business.

Should your child grow an interest in psychology, here are some essential things to know.

What are the seven types of psychology?

The seven types of psychology are as follows:

  •  Learning psychology
  • Biological psychology
  •  Psychodynamic psychology
  • Humanistic psychology
  • Evolutionary psychology
  •  Social-cultural psychology
  • Cognitive psychology

How many types of psychologists are there?

There are generally 20 types of psychologists around the world. These include social, forensic, developmental, and cognitive psychologists, among others.

What are the branches of psychology?

Some branches of psychology include:

  • Cognitive psychology
  • Evolutionary psychology
  • Forensic psychology
  • Developmental psychology
  • Clinical psychology
  • Occupational psychology
  • Neuropsychology
  •  Health psychology

Is Psychology hard to study?

Psychology is known to be a very lucrative degree. It isn’t easy, regardless of what field of psychology you are studying. A great deal of examinations, course activities, and discussions are waiting for you in psychology.

Can a psychologist have tattoos?

Being a tattooed psychologist is completely fine, and small and detectible images on your wrist or ankle are not that big a deal. However, displaying more than that, though, will depend on the guidelines set in your workplace.

But do not think that your professional image will rule your entire life. If you want to get a tattoo, then get one.

Source: pixabay.com

Which branch of psychology is the best?

Most psychologists agree that there is no single branch of psychology that is better than the other. However, clinical psychology makes up the largest branch of the whole of psychology.

Clinical psychologists evaluate, diagnose, and manage mental health disorders. They often work in private clinics, group practices, mental health facilities, and hospitals.

What is the highest paid psychologist?

Below are the top-paying psychologists:

  •  Psychiatrist
  • Neuropsychologist
  • Industrial-organizational psychologist
  •  Clinical psychologist
  •  Forensic psychologist
  • Counseling psychologist
  • Engineering psychologist
  • School psychologist·     

What is the best type of psychologist?

Clinical psychologists are among the best types of psychologists, followed by psychiatrists, organizational psychologists, and private counselors. Current data projects an estimated 14% rise in the need for psychologists up until 2026.

What do psychologists make annually?

Last May 2018, the average yearly salary for counseling, clinical, and school psychologists was more than $85,000 yearly, as per the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The bottom 10%of workers had less than $44,000, and the top 10% earn over $129,000.

How long is a psychology degree?

To practice clinical psychology, you are required to get an undergraduate degree, which takes about four to five college years, followed by a doctorate, which you can finish in more or less seven years in postgraduate school.

Hence, most aspiring clinical psychologists will have spent around 8 to 12 years of their lives in higher education for this field.

Who is the father of psychology?

Wilhelm Maximilian Wundt is the father of experimental psychology. He founded the first psychology laboratory and consequently had a tremendous influence on psychology’s progress as a discipline, particularly in America.

What are the six major psychological theories?

The six major psychological theories include behaviorism, psychoanalysis, ecological, humanism, evolutionary, and cognitivism.

Is Psychology a good career?

If your passion is in solving theoretical or practical problems, then getting a psychology degree may be a suitable option for you. Other psychologists concentrate on helping people overcome difficult emotional issues or create solutions for real-life problems.

What are the five fields of psychology?

The five fields of psychology include clinical psychology, biopsychology, counseling psychology, cognitive psychology, and comparative psychology.

Psychology As A Career: Final Thoughts

Psychology is an ongoing growing field, not only in the medical industry but also in education and research. There is an increase in demand for psychologists as many people open up about their mental health struggles.

Mental health has been a highly prejudiced topic. People are afraid to talk about the challenges and difficulties of having psychological conditions. Society used to, if not still, look down on these suffering individuals with disappointment and negative judgment.

With psychologists’ help, many people can now get the support they need to function normally back into the community.

Source: pixabay.com

Psychology studies patterns of human behavior, emotions, and reactions to gain insight into how human minds work.

Psychologists work with a lot of theories and principles to understand an individual’s mental capacity. They look at all the possible root causes of trauma and work with their patients to resolve their concerns and problems.

Whether you are a student or a parent who wants to help their child choose a career, psychology is worth looking at.

If you are leaning towards finding a job in the healthcare industry and you love working with people, you may want to become a psychologist. However, as aforementioned in the article, psychology can also cover other potential career aspects.

With different types of and different fields in psychology, you can explore many options for work. Psychology is not only clinical.

A psychologist may also work as a counselor, especially as a school counselor. There are many troubled children in school, and they require help.

You may also work in human resources for companies, in sports, and in research. The choices are limitless.

Frequently Asked Questions About Anxiety And Fatigue

Being a parent is both satisfying and exhausting. There are times that you feel so happy and contented because you know you have your kids around. You can spend time with them and learn more about their personalities. You also have the chance to engage in their world as they develop their skills, avoid mommy or daddy issues, and have overall emotional and mental strength.

Source: pixabay.com

However, despite the happiness you get, you can’t deny that you feel exhausted most of the time with all the responsibilities that come with parenting. Sometimes, you get too overwhelmed that you tend to lose control over your mental and emotional strength. With that, you suffer from series of health conditions, including stress, anxiety, and fatigue.

At first, I thought fatigue is just a physical manifestation of the chores I do every day. But with some of the frequently asked questions, I realized that there is more to it than meets the eye. Here are some of the answers I gather about fatigue and anxiety.

What is Anxiety?

Anxiety is a feeling that you might have sometimes when you feel worried or scared about something. The symptoms of anxiety can vary, but it’s important to know that it triggers your fight or flight response. It might make your heart beat faster, your tummy feel funny, or make you feel like you want to run away. It’s like when you’re scared of the dark, or when you have to speak in front of the class and you feel nervous. It’s okay to feel anxious sometimes, and you can always talk to a professional you trust about your feelings to help you feel better — especially if you feel anxiety disorder.

What is Fatigue?

Fatigue is a feeling when your body feels really tired and you don’t have a lot of energy to do things. The physical symptoms can feel like when you’ve been playing outside all day and you start to feel very tired and just want to take a nap. Sometimes, fatigue can happen when you don’t get enough sleep or when you’re sick. It’s important to listen to your body and rest when you feel tired so that you can feel better and have more energy to do fun things later.

The Connection Between Anxiety and Fatigue

Anxiety and fatigue are connected because anxiety symptoms can cause fatigue and fatigue can worsen anxiety. When you feel anxious, your body produces stress hormones that can make you feel tired and worn out. If you’re anxious a lot, it can be hard to relax and get good quality sleep, which can make you feel even more tired and fatigued during the day.

On the other hand, when you’re feeling very fatigued, it can make you feel more anxious and worried about things. You might feel overwhelmed by the things you have to do, which can make you feel even more tired and anxious.

That’s why it’s important to take care of both anxiety and fatigue together. By practicing good sleep habits, exercising regularly, and finding ways to manage stress and anxiety, you can help reduce both anxiety and fatigue. It’s also important to talk to a trusted adult or healthcare provider if you’re feeling anxious or fatigued a lot, so that they can help you find the best ways to manage your symptoms and feel better.

Is fatigue a symptom of anxiety? 

Yes. Physical exhaustion or fatigue is another potential symptom of anxiety disorder since the mental condition is commonly associated with hyperactivity. It causes ups and downs in the body’s energy levels. In some cases, fatigue follows an anxiety attack and can be chronic for others.

It would be an excellent help if you were mindful that it is important to seek immediate help when you experienced fatigue with anxiety. Please do not ignore the symptoms as they can escalate into a series of health conditions.

 Can anxiety make you tired all the time? 

Definitely! Since anxiety disrupts the brain’s functions, it can make you mentally and emotionally exhausted as it causes your brain to work overtime. That explains why people feel unable to function even if they have not done much physical work.

Perhaps that is due to the emotional, and mental agony one tries to deal with. Thus, it can be concluded that not because there is no sign of physical exhaustion does not mean that a person will not experience fatigue.

 How do I overcome anxiety and fatigue? 

Overcoming anxiety and fatigue needs to start with a clear perspective. Change the way you think about fatigue and not blame it exclusively on lack of sleep or overworked. Instead, increase your physical activity level, reduce caffeine intake, stay hydrated, watch what you eat, and get enough sleep.

Remember, fatigue can have different forms. It can come from physical, mental, and emotional. It would be best if you understood where your exhaustion comes from so that you can find better ways to manage it.

Source: pixabay.com

 Does stress cause extreme fatigue? 

Yes. Too much stress, especially chronic stress, can come from physical, mental, and emotional issues. And fatigue is a known symptom of mental health problems, such as anxiety, grief, and depression. It gets accompanied by other symptoms, including irritability, isolation, and lack of motivation.

If you think you are dealing with an overall imbalance, you should seek professional advice as soon as possible.

 What are the three types of fatigue? 

The three types of fatigue include transient or the inability of muscles to maintain optimal bodily performance. Next is cumulative that usually comes from the repeated mild sleep restriction or extended waking hours across a series of days. Lastly, there is a circadian where there is a disruption in the body’s regeneration cycle.

 What are the five emotional signs of stress? 

The most common emotional symptoms of stress include anxiety, moodiness, loneliness, feeling overwhelmed, and depression.

If ever you experienced one or more of these, please consult a health care provider right away.

 How do I get rid of the stress in my life? 

There is no shortcut to removing stress in your life because it is inevitable. However, you can always manage it with some of these tips: getting enough sleep, exercise regularly, drinking enough water, eating healthy foods, taking supplements, and quitting smoking and alcohol consumption. You can also relieve stress by going out for a walk, exploring nature, gardening, or spending time with friends and family.

Basically, you have to work on the best options that suit your needs. As long as you practice self-care and self-awareness, you will gather all the necessary coping methods to get rid of your stress in life.

 How to notice if I am having a nervous breakdown? 

You can easily tell that you are having a nervous breakdown when you experience constant depressive symptoms. These include the intense feeling of loneliness and isolation and sometimes having thoughts of self-harm and suicide. In unfortunate instances, you also experience restlessness, extreme mood swings, trembling, insomnia, and hallucinations.

If you’re not sure about the symptoms you might be experiencing, seek a piece of advice from a medical expert.

 Can anxiety cause body aches? 

Yes. Anxiety can have physical manifestations such as headaches, muscle tension, body soreness. That is because the body gets tense, and muscles begin to develop uncomfortable symptoms that may be all familiar.

Source: pixabay.com

 What does anxiety physically feel like? 

Anxiety can potentially show enough and good physical signs. Its physical responses are the ones preparing you to face an extreme situation. However, when it gets too intense, a common symptom might be nausea, or you might feel lightheaded.

 How can you reduce the physical symptoms of anxiety? 

The best way to reduce anxiety is to focus on self-care. Always maintain a good night’s sleep, so your mind and body can have enough time to rejuvenate. It would help if you also cut back on your alcohol and caffeine consumption since these can cause an imbalance in your health when taken too much. Quit smoking, and stay physically active as much as possible. If you can, you should practice deep breathing and meditate.

 What does anxiety pain feel like? 

Anxiety can cause a serious mental and emotional strain on your health. However, it can physically manifest, as well. It can make you faint and can make you feel dizzy. Anxiety can also make cause sudden chest pain that is frequently described as a sharp, stabbing sensation. These are what expert calls psychosomatic symptoms.

 Can stress and anxiety make you feel weird? 

Anxiety can cause numbness, shakiness, and tingling that are commonly felt on the face, arms, hands, feet, and legs. These are the beginnings of when your brain responds with fight or flight. Often, it makes you feel weird that you cannot even describe the instant changes that are happening all over your body. In some unfortunate instances, when you feel anxious, your heart rate speeds up, you get so sweaty, your body is trembling, and you feel uncomfortable even just standing or sitting.

 Does anxiety go away if you ignore it? 

No. Ignoring your anxiety will do nothing. It will not reduce it, nor take it away. Relentless thoughts can linger as long as it wants. However, there is a chance that you can potentially eliminate anxiety at mild levels. The severe ones are expected to stay and will require the necessary treatment and medication.

 Is it my heart or anxiety?

Acute anxiety is somehow comparable to a heart attack for some individuals who cannot entirely identify their mental and physical condition since many of the symptoms can seem the same. Perhaps that is because both conditions accompany symptoms such as chest pain, shortness of breath, sweating, increased heartbeat, dizziness, fatigue, and even temporary paralysis.

Anxiety and fatigue are two common conditions that many people experience at some point in their lives. While they can be uncomfortable and sometimes challenging to manage, there are many resources and strategies available to help individuals cope and feel better.

Some frequently asked questions about anxiety and fatigue include what causes these conditions, how to recognize symptoms, and how to manage them. Causes of anxiety and fatigue can vary from stress, lack of sleep, medical conditions, and lifestyle habits. Symptoms of anxiety and fatigue can range from physical symptoms such as fatigue, palpitations, and stomach upset to cognitive symptoms like worry, negative thoughts, and difficulty concentrating.

Managing anxiety and fatigue requires a multi-faceted approach that may include changes to lifestyle, such as getting enough sleep, exercise, and eating well. There are also many evidence-based treatments available for anxiety and fatigue, including therapy, medication, and self-care techniques such as mindfulness and relaxation exercises.

It’s important to note that anxiety and fatigue can impact people of all ages, genders, and backgrounds. It’s more common disorder than people might think. Seeking help from a healthcare professional, therapist, or counselor can be an effective way to manage these conditions, improve your mental health, and boost your overall well-being.

In conclusion, by understanding the causes and symptoms of anxiety and fatigue, and taking proactive steps to manage them, individuals can improve their quality of life and feel more in control of their physical and emotional health. Remember, people: listen to your body for any symptoms you feel.


What foods help with fatigue?

What if I have anxiety all day?

What happens in the brain during anxiety?

Can anxiety cause blurred vision?

Can anxiety cause brain fog?

Mental Health Discussion – Understanding The Concept of Daddy Issues

In our early childhood, we are all vulnerable, weak, and incapable of doing many things. We are children who are so fragile that we could get hurt anytime without warning. Everything around us is too much and all people feel mysterious, making our lives out of control and sometimes unmanageable. That is why our need for protection and a hunger for a father figure, in all circumstances, is entirely natural. Perhaps that is because father figures and older men, in general, appear to us as immensely impressive, strong, and capable. It is as if he knows and can do almost anything in life that is beyond astonishing.

Source: pixabay.com

However, the paradox of daddy issues tends to differ in all our experiences. The term “daddy issues” was coined because some of us, despite having one around, still feel emotionally and mentally left out especially when it comes to adult relationships. Well, we can’t blame anyone for that. We can never convince people to believe that their degree of emotional and mental problems is not that serious because, at some point, what they feel is valid. Daddy issues are supported by the complexity of sadness, emptiness, and longings, especially in a relationship.

Physically Abusive Father –  Daddy issues can come from many forms of emotional and mental abuse. However, the common root of them all is physical abuse. It is a behavior that most of us consider “rightful” because the physically abusive one is the household’s most authoritative individual. Somehow, we justify our father’s hurtful actions because we believe that he is entitled to do that. Whatever damages his physical abuse may bring to our attachment style and overall development, we think that it is okay because he is our dad, after all. Sadly, we take that mentality to adulthood, where we find ourselves acknowledging the behavior. As a result, we allow insecure attachment styles and issues, as well as physical abuse to become physically present in romantic relationships for constant reassurance just because of daddy issues.

Source: pixabay.com

Absent Father – There are a lot of reasons why some of us have an absent father. It could be because our mother hates our father so much that she doesn’t want him anywhere near us. Or perhaps it is because of personal instances like our father going to prison or war. Or maybe he just decided that he didn’t want a family, so he vanished. Whatever the reason is, there are tons of it that we can think of. But despite understanding some of the possible situations, dad issues can still stir up because of the emptiness we feel inside and most times, insecure attachment styles to our relationships. It leads to the creation of an unrealistic fatherly image that we eventually input into our minds. And as we grow up, we stick to that idea.

No-Care-At-All Father – Again, not because our dysfunctional father lives with us under one roof, that does not mean he is capable of fatherhood. Sometimes, there are instances when it is more likely convenient for us if he is not around. That is because of his no-care-at-all attitude that puts us in a different mix of emotions. Of course, it is understandable that some of our life issues, attachment wounds, and poor relationships or broken relationships are ours alone. However, as we grow up, there is a need for a father-image to guide us in every decision we make. When our father complex is disinterested in providing emotional and mental support and is often emotionally unavailable, it damages our overall self-awareness and self esteem, affects healthy relationships, and causes toxic relationships. And as we venture to adulthood, we tend to view ourselves as unworthy of anyone’s attention. Thus, the more we prefer self-isolation. Children who experience insufficient care and attention from their parents are more prone to anxiety and fatigue.

Source: pixabay.com

Financially Manipulative Father – For some of us, we see a father as financial support. Honestly, there is nothing wrong with that. In fact, it is their sole obligation to ensure that financial problems are well-sorted out. However, things can turn differently when our dad uses that obligation to mark entitlement and power. So whenever he feels angry and aggressive towards us for no reason, forgiveness becomes a must. Though, I’m not saying that we shouldn’t consider that as an option to patch things up with our relationship with your father. But constantly excusing our father from physically, emotionally, and mentally hurting us just because he is the provider is somehow unfair. It can take a toll on our adulthood stage because it can make us think that whoever puts food on the table will hold the powerful spot despite being unsympathetic.

Unloving Father – It is normal for us to long for a father. That explains why we feel the need to search for one whenever we experience an unfortunate situation during dysfunctional relationships. But our daddy issues are not due to a lack of a fatherly image. Instead, it is a consequence of abandonment we feel emotionally. Our need to search for a fatherly image relates to our perception of physically powerful male protection that can also care and love at the same time. Without it, we feel inclined to different patterns of behavior and emotional response. That explains why we secretly yearn for a gentleman to step in and hope to fulfill the attachment styles and unextinguished fantasy role we have about our dad.

Source: pixabay.com

A perfect father doesn’t exist. However, there is always this good one who acknowledges his incapability and imperfections despite a complicated relationship. And that is more than enough. If you need help, seek a licensed mental health counselor.


What Are The Signs Of Daddy Issues?

What Is An Example Of Daddy Issues?

What Are Daddy Issues In Psychology?

Can You Develop Daddy Issues With A Good Father?

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What Are Mommy Problems For A Girl?

What Are Mommy Problems In A Guy?

What Are The Two Types Of Father Problems?

What Do Girls With Father Problems Like?

What Are The Father And Mother’s Problems?

What Are Father Problems In Children?

Is daddy issues a disorder?

What are childhood daddy issues?

What are daddy issues in a dad?

What do daddy issues mean on Tiktok?